the dragon has three heads.
Selasa, 11 Desember 2012 @ 12.54 | 0 notes

Source: here.

I just loooove this sentence.

A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF) by George R. R. Martin mengajarkan banyak hal toh, selain konten sex yang eksplisit, tapi perjuangan untuk mendapatkan The Iron Throne yang dikejar-kejar oleh para calon raja juga manis sekali :3 Tentu, ratingnya 17+ menurut saya. Mature-Adult, kalau mereka-mereka bilang. Soalnya ada beberapa adegan yang kurang cocok untuk remaja dan anak-anak. Jalan ceritanya juga apik, meski terlalu banyak karakter yang butuh disambung-sambungin satu persatu.

Tahu ASOIAF dari temen dunia maya, dia bilang bagus pada awalnya. Terus pas saya stalking quotenya, stalking videonya, stalking gambar-gambar di tumblr, eh kok tertarik. Jadinya ya, mulai download ebook-nya deh, hingga akhirnya...saya dapet DVD-nya. Sebenarnya sudah ditayangin di HBO dan saya bisa nonton aja sih, tapi sayangnya HBO cuma ada di rumah, sementara saya...boarding house. Ckck. Dan cuma bisa ber-wow ria ketika dapet DVDnya dan mulai nontonin. Lebih bagus season pertama daripada season kedua, imo. Soalnya season kedua terkesan, apa ya, mixed?

N'ah. Saya paling tertarik sama Khal Drogo/Daenerys Targaryen (atau sisterhood Sansa/Arya atau Eddard/Catelyn atau Jaime/Cersei) :3

Drogo/Daenerys, terutama. Mereka epik. Bagus. Jalan cintanya keren. Awww. Nggak mau kasih spoiler, soalnya mereka yang paling tragis (eh, Eddard/Catelyn jugaaaa). Apalagi aktingnya Emilia Clarke di sana bagus banget.

Tapi, yang dibawah umur jangan nonton ini dulu. Kasihan nanti. #APAAN

Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012 @ 11.33 | 0 notes

Source: here.

Maybe he is waiting for you, but no one waits forever.

a kind of girl.
@ 10.19 | 0 notes

source: here.

The rain falling
reminds me of you.
Because it is falling so hard,
and I am too.

winter is coming.
Senin, 17 September 2012 @ 17.54 | 0 notes

source: here.

Then you will see exactly what life is worth when all the rest is gone. Life is not a song, sweetling; someday you may learn that to your sorrow.

©A Song of Ice and Fire, GRRM.

dead wrong.
@ 17.42 | 0 notes

source: here.

You were my song of ice and fire. You were my winterfell. You were my king's landing. But, whether you remember as I remember it? Tell me, sweetling. Tell me like there's no tomorrow. I could stay for your existence; I could listen to your breathing; I couldn't leave you alone.

You are my fire. And my blood. The things I do; there will be pain.

This is wrong. It's nothing like the songs.